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Zoom on the biryani: typical dish of Mauritius

  • 04/06/2019

When you come for a last minute holidays to Mauritius, it is mainly to enjoy the panoramas and exotic scenery. However, the holidays are not complete if you do not taste its dishes. Among the typical dishes of Mauritius there is the biryani. It is a very complete rice dish with different flavors. The origin of biryani This dish arrived Mauritius through Indian immigrants. The people came to build modern Mauritius. The Indians, who are mostly Muslims, brought their receipts with their cultural clothing and culinary tradition. Biryani is a traditional dish for the king in India. Currently, it has become a popular dish of the island and it has also become a must during every holiday on Mauritius. You cannot leave this tropical island without having tasted this famous Muslim dish. This dish is often part of the menu during the Eid-ul-Fitr. It takes place every year, one month after Ramadan. What does a biryani dish consist of? You have just returned from your Mauritius family holidays and you liked this typical Mauritian dish? Are you currently looking for the recipe so you can cook it at home? Here are the ingredients to make this tasty dish a success. For a dish of six people, you need 4 farm chicken legs, 400 g of rice, 600 g of potatoes, 350 g of onions and 2 plain yogurts. These are the basic ingredients. Now, let’s talk about what makes biryani unique, namely the spices. You will need 40 g of biryani spices; you can easily find them in an Asian grocery store. Next, you will need a cinnamon stick, 6 cloves, a saffron capsule, 5 g turmeric, 8 cardamom capsules, half coriander and mint.How to prepare the recipe? To cook this typical Mauritian dish, you must plan three hours of preparation time and cooking time. The first thing to do is to prepare the chicken legs, cut them in half and brown them in a pot. Then peel the garlic and ginger and chop them. When the pieces are golden brown, put the yogurts, garlic, ginger, turmeric and biryani spices. Mix them well and let them macerate for an hour. Meanwhile, you have to cut the onions into thin strips and fry them. Also fry potatoes, cut into 2 cm cubes. What is the preparation that requires a lot of attention? The rice preparation is the most important part, but first you must chop the coriander and mint and add them with the onions and potatoes. You must then soak the saffron (or Turmeric in Europe) in a glass of water for 20 min. The rice must be pearled in a pan with sunflower oil. You will then add cardamom, cloves, cinnamon and salt. To cook it completely, you must pour water. When the 15 mins time is up, you must put the rice in the pot where there is chicken meat and potatoes. Then add the saffron water. Cook over low heat for 40 mins and your biryani is ready. During your luxury holidays to Mauritius, you can’t miss out on this tasty dish. You will not be able to say that you went on vacation to Mauritius without having tasted it. If you liked the flavor, you can reproduce it at home with the recipe we proposed.  


The main words to know in Creole during your stay in Mauritius

  • 04/06/2019
  • Daily life

Have you planned for a Mauritius holiday packages? So, it is auspicious to know at least a few words so that you are not too lost when you arrive at your destination. English and French are the official languages of the country, but the locals often use Mauritian Creole. Some bases of Mauritian Creole Before planning your Mauritius family holidays, you can have fun with your little family to learn Mauritian Creole. It is a mixture of African, Malagasy, French and English. The consonants are read like in French. Except for the “j” which reads “z” and “ch” as “s”. The “C” is pronounced as a “k” unless the word is borrowed from the English. The letter “x” does not exist in the Mauritian Creole alphabet it has been replaced by an “s” or “ks”. For vowels, the “u” is pronounced in “i” and the “i” is read like “in”. All letters are pronounced in Mauritian Creole. The basic expressions that you need to know To be able to express yourself during your holidays in Mauritius, you must know certain expressions to be able to mingle with the population. Good morning and good evening are pronounced like “bonzour” and “bonswar”. How are you? is “ki manière?” in Mauritian Creole. To say goodbye, it’s “Salam”, sorry is “Sori” and thank you “mersi”. For you are welcome you have to say “padkwa” or “péna problem”. So, if you want to greet someone in this language, you have to say “Alo, ki manier?”. The expressions you need in commerce When you are on holidays in Mauritius, even if you are relaxing in your suite or villa rental Mauritius, at some point you may need to mix with the locals to buy something. To ask for the price of a product, you must say “komié?”. To bargain you can say “ou kapav bes pri  ?” or “ki dernie pri ou kapav fer?”. When you’re looking for something and you want to ask for it, it’s “Mo pe rod….” which means, “I’m looking for”. And if you think the price is too expensive, you can say “li tro ser”.Expressions about the meal While you are enjoying your villa rental Mauritius, you can go to a typical Mauritian restaurant for lunch. To ask for food, you can use the expression “ki nou pou manze”. It will certainly please the person who serves you that you have made the effort to speak their language. And if you order a spicy dish and you don’t want it to be too spicy, you can say “Eski ou kapav pa fer manze la for?”. And finally, to show your admiration, you can say “Mari bon!”. However, if you can’t pronounce them, be sure that they understand English and French. The best way to show to the Mauritians that you are interested in their cultures is to learn some of their words. It will please the people who serve you because they are the same people who will do their utmost to make your Mauritius holidays pleasant and unforgettable. The Mauritian Creole is not difficult to learn and it is close enough to French. You just need to practice more and willpower!    


Discover the traditional dishes of Mauritius

  • 04/06/2019

Mauritius is a dream destination for those who want to enjoy their holidays in the sun with their friends or family. Apart from its beautiful panoramas and beaches, discovering its traditional dishes is also a real treat for the taste buds. Meet these new flavors that will make all the charm of your holiday in Mauritius. A marvelous culinary multiculturalism Born from the successful blending of different cultures, Mauritian cuisine is made up of many traditional dishes as well as Creole cuisine born of intercultural bridges. The result is a tasty, colourful, spicy, surprising and always delicious cuisine.  The basic element brought back from the East: rice, as well as variations of tomato-based sauces with a subtle blend of spices. With a population that includes many vegetarians, visitors following such diets will be delighted with the many vegetable-based Mauritian dishes.  Chinese, Indian, Indo-Muslim, French and Creole, Mauritian cuisine reflects the multicultural nature of its population: joyful, generous and unforgettable.The briani For a successful Mauritius holiday, you cannot leave without eating a briani. Native to India, it is the traditional dish of the Muslim community and is enjoyed in all communities.  It is made of chicken, rice, yoghurt, potatoes and many spices. Should you like to taste it, we advise you to go to the port or to the market. Once you taste it, you may even be tempted to cook it at home when you will be back.The fried noodles It’s a Sino-Mauritian dish you can find anywhere on the island as well as in the many small shops facing the beach. It is a dish made of Chinese noodle, eggs, cabbage and meat or shrimp. If you want to taste those prepared by a real Mauritian, prefer the stands near the beaches and in the small shops that sell take away food. Chinese restaurants abound in Mauritius and all offer them on the menu.  It is also a dish that is not difficult to reproduce at home if you have the right recipe.The Dholl Puris They are delicious soft patties that have been topped with curry sauces and rougail. To eat it easily, it is rolled like a pancake. It is a dish that you will find all over the island. It is a dish not to be missed during your last minute holidays to Mauritius. You can buy them in the markets, on the street, at street vendors. The Mauritians usually eat it with chili if you are not used to it, ask those with no chili. It’s a typical Mauritian dish. It’s not necessarily a full meal, but it’s part of your menu when there are family gatherings or parties.The Faratas For the non-connoisseurs who are spending their holidays in Mauritius, they may have difficulty distinguishing between Farata and Dholl Puri. And yet, they’re not the same. Flakier than the iconic roti, the Farata are stiffer and much less yellow than Puri dholl. Farata originally from India is the equivalent of bread. Made with flour, water, salt and oil, the Mauritians consume it without moderation. In the markets, they are made on the spot and you can take the opportunity to ask for the recipe at the same time.The Deer salmis  A tribute to the abundance of venison on the island: deer salmis is a taste of French-inspired cuisine that has been creolised and offers strong flavors on the palate with a meat that has character. This traditional dish can be eaten at homestays or in restaurants offering traditional French cuisine. Served with rice and a vegetable gratin, it is both powerful and delicious.   Mauritius is not only a rich destination for its history and beauty, it is also a delight for the taste buds of its visitors. If you are curious and want to  discover the Mauritian cuisine in all its diversity, in addition to getting to our concierge’s list of the best restaurants, create friendly relationships with Mauritians  who will make you discover with pleasure these typical local dishes.


Discover the great horse races of Mauritius

  • 04/06/2019
  • Cultural activities

You are an enthusiast of horse racing and for your Mauritius holidays, you want to continue to attend your favorite sport? Horse races attract thousands of people to Mauritius every week. They are among the most popular sports in the country. A friendly atmosphere in the horse field Mauritius is proud to have the oldest racetrack in the Indian Ocean. The atmosphere in these places is always electric. During your stay in Mauritius, if you are a fan of horse racing, you cannot miss such an atmosphere. To make bets, you can make them at the official bookmakers or at the many gambling offices that dot the island. The races are often broadcast on the national radio and television. The appointments are on Saturday afternoons or Sunday afternoons. You will not only find horses, there is also the influx of small shops that sell food and beverages. A national hobby It is a sport that has existed in Mauritius since 1982. It has now become a national hobby and it is engraved in the mores. If you are like the Mauritians, a horse lover, take advantage of your stay in Mauritius to soak up the exhilarating atmosphere. You will attend shows that tourists rarely attend. Horse races have won the hearts of Mauritians since Colonel Edward Alured Draper created them in the early 19th century. It is also a very good way to participate in the local life of the island, whether you are a fan of horse riding or not.  Horse Racing of champ de mars It is the oldest racetrack in the Indian Ocean. It has welcomed more than 20,000 people per week for the past 200 years. Horse racing is one of the most popular activities on the island. The atmosphere is picturesque, lively and noisy. The street vendors and bookmakers are all overrun. If you want to make your family discover the typical Mauritian atmosphere, take them with you on your next Mauritius family holidays. The children will love to meet the jockeys, stroking the flanks of the horses or even visiting the lodges. It is an unforgettable moment to spend with your family and not to miss. The bets When you go into a racetrack, you don’t have to bet. However, Mauritians are adept at it, you can often meet people focused on studying prognostics with a local newspaper or specialized magazines in hand. This sport has won national enthusiasm, those who cannot come directly to the Champ de Mars at the time of the races, connect their televisions or their radio stations. If you want to get a glimpse of the atmospheres at that time, enter a local restaurant at the agreed time. You will be immersed in the heart of Mauritian passion for horse riding.  


The best shopping deals of Mauritius

  • 03/06/2019
  • Daily life

During your holidays in Mauritius resorts, you will definitely want to bring back a souvenir or a gift. Mauritius is a destination of choice for shopping. Indeed, shopping in this country is truly unique. There will be something for everyone from the bustling market to the luxury shops. Do your duty-free shopping in Mauritius The government of this country has done things right. To make you spend a dream holiday in Mauritius, foreign visitors are allowed to make duty-free purchases. This is possible in all stores that display a tax refund logo. The island has over 1,000 registered stores to enable you to benefit from this advantage. However, the refund is only made when you board. It can be made in euros, pounds sterling or dollars depending on your preference. The first among them are shopping malls. The best known is the Bagatelle shopping mall. There are more than 150 retail stores. You can find all the most interesting brands. Visit, this shopping center La Croisette in the north of the island. With 110 shops and restaurants, La Croisette is the largest shopping Centre of Mauritius that combines international and local brands. The traditional markets of Mauritius To experience Mauritian culture, you will absolutely have to go shopping in a traditional Mauritius market.  The most popular market is the one in the center of Port Louis, the capital of Mauritius. You can find a very wide variety of products and they are offered at competitive prices to attract tourists. In the north, near Grand Gaube there is the Goodlands market. You will find textiles, clothing, souvenirs, exotic fruits, etc. On Saturdays, the small shopping centre of Goodlands, hosts an Earth Market from 10 am to 2 pm. You will discover healthy and pesticide-free fruits and vegetables. The village of Goodlands also has the largest models of boat factory in Mauritius. Historic Marine offers superb models designed by talented Mauritians. This is a good place to find typical Mauritian products.Typical products to bring back from your holiday in Mauritius The textile industry is the backbone of the Mauritian economy. So, you will find cashmere, wool, silk and Indian-style clothing at very competitive prices. At Caudan Waterfront in Port-louis, you will have the choice between multiple brands and jewelry shops. The Craft Market, is the famous craft market of Caudan. It offers a wide range of handicrafts made on site by the Mauritian artists such as decorative objects, jewellery made from shell or wood, scented candles, among others. Mauritius has been making models of boats since 1970. Teak or camphor boats that require several hours of work. You can also bring tea, Achard, spices or distilled rum to Mauritius. But be sure not to exceed the 5 litres of alcoholic beverages allowed when you leave. How to get your refund? There is a process of three steps after your Mauritius holidays. When you are in store, detect those who have the special logo. Next, you must request a « VAT Paid Supplies to Visitor » receipt or a DF5 invoice. These documents must include your name, nationality, passport number and flight details. At customs during check-in, present your purchases at the customs counter of the Mauritius Revenue Authority to put a stamp on your invoices or receipts. All you have to do is to present your validated invoice at the MCCI Tax Refund counter for an immediate refund of your taxes.  


The best golf courses in Mauritius

  • 20/05/2019

Mauritius is a popular destination for golfers from all over the world. With its world-class golf courses, great climate and beautiful scenery, its courses are a unique and unforgettable playing experience. Whether you are a seasoned golfer or a beginner, there are plenty of courses for all skill levels. Get your clubs ready to discover the best golf courses in Mauritius.   The best golf courses in Mauritius with breathtaking ocean views   Ile aux Cerfs Golf Club is the most emblematic of all golf courses in Mauritius. This 18-hole par-72 course was designed by German champion and golf architect Bernhard Langer. It is located on the beautiful Ile aux Cerfs, off the east coast of Mauritius and offers an incredible view of the Indian Ocean. Players of all levels can play on this course and have access to a private beach, Club House, bar and restaurant. https://www.ileauxcerfsgolfclub.com/le-golf   The incredible 18-hole Anahita Golf Course was designed by Ernie Els and is in line with USGA standards. It is located along the east coast of Mauritius, surrounded by green mountains. Golfers will have the opportunity to fully enjoy the beauty of the island and the 6-holes course that face the ocean. Furthermore, you will have access to the Club house, the restaurant and the bar. A wide variety of golf equipment is available for rent as well as golf carts.   https://golf.anahitamauritius.com/fr/   Mont Choisy Le Golf is an 18-hole course, located in the north of Mauritius near Grand Baie and Trou aux Biches. Opened in 2017, this remarkable golf course was designed by Peter Matkovich. Mont Choisy Le Golf highlights the beautiful landscapes, the beauty of the north of Mauritius and the historical heritage of the place. It is indeed an exciting and history-filled golf course.Golf courses between sea and mountains From the flutter of the waves to the mountain tops, some golf courses in Mauritius combine outstanding beauty and the pleasure of playing on the finest greens. Heritage Golf Club is a wonderful 18-hole golf course that covers 100 hectares. It was designed by South African Peter Matkovich. This course is located along the southwestern coast of Mauritius in the Domaine de Bel Ombre and offers a splendid panorama on each hole. In 2014 and 2015, this golf course has twice been voted the best golf course in the Indian Ocean. This course was twice awarded best golf course in the Indian Ocean in 2014 and 2015. Players of all levels can enjoy a stress free experience there. It’s worth noting that there is a night-time option. The game is replayed in the club house in a relaxed and warm atmosphere.     https://heritagegolfclub.mu/fr/golf/Golfing in Mauritius by the river   Tamarina Golf Course,on the western coast of Mauritius, is a magical course designed by architect Rodney Wright. Each hole offers breathtaking views of the Rempart Mountain and Tamarin Bay. It is located where the Rempart River meets the ocean. You will love the contrast between the wild landscape and the smooth surface of the greens and fairways. A pro-shop, an academy and a restaurant are also at your disposal.     Luxury golf in Mauritius   Set in the sumptuous surroundings of the Château de Bel-Ombre in the wild south, the Golf du Château is an 18-hole championship golf course amidst French-style gardens, under the tutelary shadow of a splendid Indian Laurel. The Chateau, the former stately home of the previous landowners, is home to one of the best restaurants in Mauritius to enjoy the finest local cuisine after a round of golf. Designed by Peter Matkovich, the course is known for its winding fairways, deep bunkers and fast greens. It also boasts breathtaking views of the island’s south-western coastline and the surrounding mountains.  Conditions to play golf in Mauritius   In Mauritius, it is possible to play golf in clubs that offer quality facilities. The weather conditions are favorable all year round, with warm temperatures and low humidity, making it possible to play comfortably. Beginners can find golf courses that suit their skill level, with qualified instructors to help them improve their game. In addition, golf clubs in Mauritius often feature additional facilities such as spas and restaurants, making it a complete leisure activity.In short, Mauritius offers a wide variety of golf courses for all skill levels. Whether you are a seasoned golfer or a beginner, you will find a golf course that suits your skills and preferences. Check with our concierge to book your golf session during your holiday in private villas and suites in Mauritius.

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